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Medicine Matters

Sharing successes, challenges and daily happenings in the Department of Medicine

Medicine Matters Home Administration Journeys in Medicine

Journeys in Medicine

The first of the Journeys in Medicine: Exploring the Roles Race and Community Play in Shaping the DOM lecture will take place on Tuesday, May 26 from noon to 1 p.m. in the Wood Basic Science Building Auditorium.

Please RSVP for the first session by Thursday, May 21 by clicking here:

All sessions are open to all staff, trainees and faculty. We will be exploring how the issues of race impact our world views, relationships with colleagues and even our daily lives. Due to the great response we’ve received for this event, we’ve added a fifth session that will serve as a wrap-up to create an action plan for how we as the DOM can engage Baltimore and the community in facilitating tangible recommendations for change.

Each session in this series take place from noon to 1 p.m. and lunch will be provided. There will be different speakers at each session, so we encourage you to attend multiple sessions.

 Journeys in Med3




Kelsey Bennett