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Medicine Matters Home Patient Care New Biocontainment Unit Opens

New Biocontainment Unit Opens

After seven months of transforming a deactivated clinical unit into a state-of-the-art facility, the new Biocontainment Unit has been unveiled. Lisa Maragakis, medical director of the unit and associate professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Brian Garibaldi, associate director and assistant professor in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, will lead a team of nearly 100 clinical and nonclinical staff members who have undertaken training to safely care for patients with highly infectious diseases.

The unit’s design, 7,900 square feet that include three patient rooms, an on-site laboratory, shower facilities and clean-in/clean-out anterooms, was thought up last year as Hopkins began to prepare to safely treat patients with Ebola. When the team isn’t treating patients, the unit will be used for training and research.

Watch the below video for a virtual tour of the unit.

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Kelsey Bennett