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Medicine Matters Home CME Getting that Paper out the Door: Pearls & Pitfalls for Publishing Seminar

Getting that Paper out the Door: Pearls & Pitfalls for Publishing Seminar

Do you struggle with getting those papers done? Have you been scooped by other investigators because you were late getting your paper published? Do you stare at the computer screen not knowing how to complete that manuscript?

If you answered yes to one or many of these questions, come toŠ

Getting that Paper out the Door: Pearls & Pitfalls for Publishing

Presented by: Dr. David Yousem, associate dean for Professional Development &

Dr. Kimberly Skarupski, assistant dean for Faculty Development

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

8:30 ­-10 a.m. (Breakfast at 8 a.m.)

East Baltimore Campus; 2024 Building, 2nd Floor Auditorium, 2-1002

RSVP here:

Panelists who specialize in clinical, basic science, translational research and outcomes research will offer ways to overcome your writing hurdles. Before the session, participants who have RSVP’d will be asked to identify their most significant barrier to writing productivity. The panelists will structure their presentations and activities around the most significant writing barriers that the attendees themselves have identified. Participants will leave the session having identified several strategies for increasing writing productivity on their way to academic success. Come, learn and write!


Kelsey Bennett