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Medicine Matters Home Administration DOM Staff Recognition Awards – CALL FOR NOMINATIONS

DOM Staff Recognition Awards – CALL FOR NOMINATIONS

This year, we would like begin formally recognizing the accomplishments of our staff and showing our gratitude to staff members who have exemplified outstanding service. With this, we present the Department of Medicine Staff Recognition Awards.

Who is eligible to be nominated:

All staff members in the Department of Medicine. These people could be administrators, administrative coordinators, analysts, managers, etc.

How to nominate someone:

Please submit their name and division/office along with a written statement about why they are being nominated. Give details on any accomplishments or specific achievements that go above and beyond. Examples could be accomplishments in training, customer service, mentoring, etc.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • LEADERSHIP- Exercises excellent communication skills in providing win-win solutions. Shows initiative towards creating projects that will improve work processes and environment.
  • TEAMWORK- Willingness to reach across divisions to assist others in completing projects, share knowledge and information to improve processes and final product, shows devotion towards building positive relationships with both internal and external customers.
  • CAN DO ATTITUDE- Willingness to do what it takes to get the job done, maintains professionalism and positive attitude in the face of adversity and/or difficult situations.
  • RESOURCEFULNESS- Demonstrates ability to resolve issues and find amicable solutions to problems.
  • DEDICATION-Demonstrates hard work, exercises due diligence, takes pride in work performed and maintains high standard of excellence.

Please email [email protected] by Friday, March 11.


Kelsey Bennett