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Medicine Matters Home Congratulations Kliment Wins Baurenschmidt Fellowship

Kliment Wins Baurenschmidt Fellowship

Corrine Kliment, fellow in the Division of Pulmonary, was recently awarded the Baurenschmidt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the Johns Hopkins Eudowood Board. This one-year award will support her research working to find new pathways to treat COPD. Along with her colleagues in Doug Robinson's lab in the Department of Cell Biology, she has identified a new role for genes that protect cells against the negative effects of cigarette smoke.

For more information about their research, visit:

Or read the news release here:

Congratulations to Corrine, and a huge thank you to the Eudowood Board for their ongoing support and for making important, potentially-lifesaving research such as this possible.


Kelsey Bennett