It is the time of year where we pause to give thanks for our many blessings. We want to express to you, our team, the appreciation and gratitude we have for each of you. Thank you for all you have contributed to make this a successful year. We wish you and your family a warm and happy Thanksgiving!
Ron, Terry and Eleni
Welcome, Candy!
Candice Zabko, MSN, RN, NEA-BC will be appointed to the nurse manager position for Halsted 4/Meyer 9 effective December 4, 2016.
Candy is an engaged leader with over 15 years of nursing and supervisory experience. During her tenure at Johns Hopkins, she has served the hospital in a variety of leadership positions including the Neuro Intensive Care Unit (NCIII) and Radiology Nursing (NCIIE – NCIII). Most recently, she served as the interim nurse manager for Radiology Nursing. Candy earned her bachelor’s in nursing from the University of Maryland and master’s in nursing from Walden University. Join us in welcoming Candy to her new position and offering her your support as she begins her new role!
Congrats, Tania!
Tania Randall, MS, RN, ACCNS-AG, clinical nurse specialist from the PCCU and colleagues from Dept. of Surgery won the 2016 Shirley Sohmer Award for Research during the Johns Hopkins Hospital Scholars Day & Nursing Awards Ceremony for their submission “Mechanical Circulatory Support Driveline Infection Demographic Research: Discovering the Risks and Variables Associated with Infection. This award is given for clinical nursing research or evidence-based practice work that contributes to patient care.

Nursing Professional Practice Model
Johns Hokins Medicine has released five videos demonstrating the variety of what JHH nurses do. See the first in the series below and click here to view the rest: