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Baltimore PKD Center Pilot and Feasibility Program

The Baltimore PKD Research and Clinical Core Center (NIH: P30 DK090868) is soliciting applications for Pilot and Feasibility Proposals.

The P/F Program provides one year of research support for eligible applicants (see eligibility criteria below) who want to explore a concept with the goal of generating data to pursue other funding mechanisms (ie, NIH R01).

The proposed project must be related to the study of Polycystic Kidney Disease. The maximum grant amount is $50,000 direct costs for the one-year grant period. No more than 10% effort (1.2 Cal months)may be used to support the principal investigator's (PI) salary and fringes. You must budget funds for travel and presentation at the annual meeting in Baltimore. No funding will be allowed for indirect costs.

Recipients are eligible to apply for a second year of funding but renewal will be competitive and will be evaluated on the progress made during the first year of funding. A PI may receive a maximum of two years of funding.

For the full grant details, click here: BALTIMORE PKD CENTER FUNDING OPPORTUNITY

Letters of Intent due Friday, April 14, 2017

Proposal Due Wednesday, June 1, 2017


Kelsey Bennett