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Medicine Matters Home Nursing Matters Don’t Forget to Take the NDNQI Survey!

Don’t Forget to Take the NDNQI Survey!

Dear Nursing Team,NDNQI

Happy Summer! I want to thank you for completing this year's survey bundle. The NDNQI survey is the last of the bunch, and I appreciate the time and effort you have made to provide your opinion. If you haven't provided your input yet, please do so soon.​ There are only a few more days left to complete the survey, and we value your opinion.


To take the survey, visit:

Hospital RN Survey Code: 66S35FU

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We’re hosting our 6th annual Evening with the Stars event to recognize Johns Hopkins nurses, nursing students and faculty on November 11, 2017 at the Center Club in Baltimore.  Nominations for all of our Shining Star Awards, as well as the Rosenwald Nursing Awards, are now open. Submissions for all of the awards will be reviewed by a selection committee appointed by the dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. Winners will be recognized at the event, and the Rosenwald Award winners will each receive a personal grant of $5000. This event brings together students, faculty, alumni, hospital leaders and friends of nursing. Below is a link to the nomination form.

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Kelsey Bennett