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Medicine Matters

Sharing successes, challenges and daily happenings in the Department of Medicine

Medicine Matters Home Nursing Matters So Much Good News!

So Much Good News!

Check out our Medical Nursing Newsletter here: Medical Nursing Updates

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One Year CLABSI-Free!

We want to recognize many of our Medicine units that have now celebrated one year without a central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI): CHU, Nelson 3, Nelson 6, Nelson 7 and Nelson 8.  This achievement represents dedication and skill from the nurses in assuring appropriate changes of IV fluids, tubings, dressings and blood draw techniques as well as daily checks of central lines to see if they can be removed to avoid an unnecessary safety risk. A monthly CLABSI champion training continues that is co-chaired by HEIC and nursing.

Ventricular Assist Device Recertification Survey

Thanks to all who helped with our recent Ventricular Assist Device Recertification Survey focusing on our cardiac medical and surgical clinical areas on February 12-13. We are still awaiting the surveyor’s final report, but she was complimentary of the knowledge, documentation and processes of this important program.

Summer Junior Volunteer Program

The Department of Volunteer Services is gearing up for Volunteer Appreciation Week on April 16-20. We encourage all departments to recognize their outstanding volunteers that week, and the Department of Volunteer Services will host a luncheon that Friday for those who completed at least 75 hours of service last year.

Additionally, the 2018 Summer Junior Volunteer Application is now available on our website here. All students who will be at least fifteen years old by June 29 are encouraged to apply before the deadline on Friday, March 23. An open-call for departments to request a summer junior volunteer will last through Monday, April 30. Please send an email to [email protected] or call 410.955.5924 for more information.

hallCongrats Erica Hall!

Erica Hall, nurse practitioner in the Division of Endocrinology, was recently selected as one of the 50 winners of the 2018 Excellence in Nursing survey from Baltimore Magazine. She will appear in the May issue of the magazine and be honored at an event in April.


Kelsey Bennett