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Closler: Moving Us Closer to Osler Website Launch

Closler, a site that exposes physicians around the world to exceptional clinician role models who are masterful in caring for patients, free of charge, launched earlier this month.

Scott Wright, chief of General Internal Medicine at Johns Hopkins Bayview, launched a free online platform, CLOSLER, to expose medical students, residents and physicians to clinically excellent patient-centered role models from all specialties.

Scott devoted the past three decades of his career to studying and improving medical education. One of the problems in medical education today is insufficient exposure to outstanding clinical role models, which can limit physicians’ professional growth at any and all stages of their career. In order to improve the delivery of compassionate patient-centered care, healthcare providers must have access to outstanding role models.

CLOSLER—Moving Us Closer to Osler—shares first-hand insights and perspectives of exceptional clinical role models from Hopkins and beyond, with new posts published Monday through Friday. The goal is to stimulate reflection, learning and conversation about how to continuously improve clinically, ensuring that every physician has access to examples and models of how to provide exceptional care to each patient.

The name CLOSLER is a melding of the words “closer to Osler,” a tribute to Dr. William Osler, a true champion of experiential education and lifelong learning. Osler is most remembered for revolutionizing formal medical education by teaching at the bedside, and emphasizing that all clinical education should begin and end with the patient.

Osler made significant contributions to the medical education curriculum and learning communities at all of the institutions where he worked—McGill University, the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University and Oxford University. We’re partnering with physicians at these universities, and others around the world, to galvanize an online learning community devoted to disseminating best practices in delivering clinically excellent patient care.

CLOSLER is organized around the main characteristics of clinical excellence from The Mayo Clinic Proceeding’s “Clinical Excellence in Academia,” authored by four Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center physicians, Colleen Christmas, Chris Durso, Steven Kravet and Scott Wright.

The four content areas highlighted on CLOSLER are:

Connecting with Patients: Strengthening communication and interpersonal skills, strategies for establishing deep and meaningful relationships with patients and thoughts about being consistently empathetic, responsive and considerate.

Clinical Reasoning: Approaching clinical scenarios or patient presentations in a rigorous and systematic way, methods for enhancing clinical judgment and nuances to minimize the chances of making diagnostic errors and maximizing the likelihood of realizing accurate diagnoses.

Passion in the Medical Profession: Reflection on the joys and struggles encountered in the practice of medicine, examples of enthusiastic role models who are inspiring others and challenges that can be stressful and bring about doubts and concerns.

Lifelong Learning in Clinical Excellence: Descriptions of how to continually grow and develop, ideas for pulling insights from other fields into medical practice and tips for establishing goals or learning plans.

Funding Source:

CLOSLER is funded through the Miller Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence (MCACE). The MCACE was created in 2006 with a generous gift from Sarah Miller Coulson and Frank L. Coulson to support the pursuit of clinical excellence at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine through the Johns Hopkins Center for Innovative Medicine.

The MCACE developed a systematic means of measuring clinical excellence to be able to recognize and reward clinicians providing outstanding patient care the academy’s 70+ members collaborate on programs to advance excellence in patient care at Hopkins and beyond.


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Kelsey Bennett