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Medicine Matters Home Congratulations Cayea, Colburn and Marks Recieve IEE Grant

Cayea, Colburn and Marks Recieve IEE Grant

Danelle Cayea, associate professor, Jessica Colburn, assistant professor, and Jane Marks, nurse manager, all in the Division of Geriatrics, were recently named the recipients of an educational grant by the Johns Hopkins Institute for Excellence in Education (IEE) Managing Board and the Office of CME in the amount of $5,000 for their proposal “Bringing Geriatrics to the Patient: Assessment of a Geriatrics CME Course.” The board wrote that it “was impressed that [their] program [will attempt] to measure what clinicians actually do (as opposed to report). [It] also appreciated the inter professional aspect of [their] team, and the use of a long-established course.”

They will study educational outcomes for a sample of participants in the Divisions Annual Beacham Current Topics in Geriatrics CME course.


Kelsey Bennett