Congratulations to all of the below faculty members who were recently promoted.
Associate Professor:
Assistant Professor:
We would also like to welcome our new faculty members who joined the department last quarter.
- Brittany Adler, instructor, Rheumatology
- Mays Ali, instructor, GIM
- Robert Bulat, assistant professor, GI
- Reuben Contreras, instructor, Geriatrics
- Li Cui, visiting scientist, GI
- Kunchok Dorjee, research associate, ID
- Laura Ensign-Hodges, assistant professor, ID
- Thomaz Fleury Curado, research associate, Pulmonary
- Roberta Florido, assistant professor, Cardiology
- Anthony Fojo, assistant professor, GIM
- David Furfaro, instructor, GIM
- Panagis Galiatsatos, instructor, Pulmonary
- Amit Goyal, instructor, GIM
- John Miller, instructor, Rheumatology
- Mohamad Hanouneh, instructor, Nephrology
- Matthew Ippolito, assistant professor, Clinical Pharmacology
- Yaqi Jia, research associate, Nephrology
- Ruhail Kohli, assistant professor, GI
- Susan Lin, instructor, GIM
- Lena Mathews, assistant professor, Cardiology
- Samuel Merrill, instructor, Hematology
- Matthew Poy, assistant professor, Endocrinology
- Mark Ranek, instructor, Cardiology
- Sonal Gandhi, instructor, CIMS
- Sarina Sahetya, instructor, Pulmonary
- Garima Sharma, assistant professor, Cardiology
- Alexander Sun, assistant professor, GIM
- Amirali Nader, instructor, Pulmonary
- Stephanie Nothelle, assistant professor, Geriatrics
- Zainab Obaidi, instructor, CIMS
- Wassim Obeid, research associate, Nephrology
- Scott Pilla, assistant professor, GIM
- Mariah Robertson, instructor, GIM
- Tara Robinson, assistnat professor, Hematology
- Faisal Saeed, instructor CIMS
- Joshua Sloan, instructor, GI
- Nauroz Syed, instructor CIMS
- Heather Thiessen Philbrook, research associate, Nephrology
- Ming Tian, visiting scientist, GI
- Alison Wand, instructor, Cardiology
- An-Chi Wei, visiting scientist, Cardiology
- Reyhan Westbrook, instructor, Geriatrics
- Jackie Zimmerman, instructor, GIM

Kelsey Bennett