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Medicine Matters

Sharing successes, challenges and daily happenings in the Department of Medicine

Medicine Matters Home Patient Care Dragon Medical One Rollout

Dragon Medical One Rollout

Beginning November 14, the voice recognition software Dragon Medical One will be available for all physician and APP Epic users across JHM to use to dictate notes directly into Epic. In pilot testing, many providers have felt that this has made it much easier and faster to enter Epic notes.

Providers can use their cell phones as the microphone for dictation by installing the app PowerMic Mobile. Alternatively, they can use a headset microphone attached to the computer on which they are running Epic.

Although the software is being made available to all physician users on November 14, the timing of the rollout with enhanced support and training will vary by campus across the health system. Be on the lookout for additional communication in the coming weeks.

For those who would like to get an early start, click here for Getting Started Tip Sheets (you must have a JHED ID for access). If you need additional help, please call 5-HELP.


Kelsey Bennett