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Medicine Matters

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Medicine Matters Home Patient Care Epic Tip of the Week

Epic Tip of the Week

Mammography Best Practice Advisory (BPA) Change

  1. Providers will receive a BPA for any woman who isn’t currently enrolled in a Mammography Health Maintenance modifier/plan [HMP] at 40 years of age.
  2. The new BPA includes a summary of the guidelines (with links), automatically adds a one year Mammography HMP, and opens a SmartSet to place a mammogram order. The HM interval can be changed to two years beyond the BPA trigger. Providers can opt to defer until age 45 or select another acknowledgement reason.
  3. The identical screen will appear for women between 45 and 49 years of age, who are not currently enrolled in a Mammography HMP. The default behavior is the same and providers can opt to defer until age 50.
  4. For women 75 years of age and older, an "aged out" BPA will appear (specific to whether the patient is enrolled in an annual or biennial HMP). The existing Mammography HM modifier is removed upon clicking accept. Providers can opt to keep the Mammography HM modifier if they deem that continued screening is appropriate.
  5. The BPA, that the provider receives after a patient is enrolled in any Mammography HMP, will appear as shown below. Clicking accept opens the SmartSet to place a mammogram order and satisfies the BPA.

Screenshots of these features can be found here:

Epic upgrade training materials can be found here:



Kelsey Bennett