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Medicine Matters Home Research Pearl M. Stetler Research Fund

Pearl M. Stetler Research Fund

The Pearl M. Stetler Research Fund for Women Physicians Founded in Memory of Cornelius and Margaret Stetler is a trust established by the terms of the will of Dr. Pearl M. Stetler, a native of Wisconsin who practiced surgery in Chicago for almost fifty years. It honors the memory of her parents, Margaret and Cornelius Stetler. After Dr. Stetler graduated from the Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1913, she wanted to engage in research, but found that suitable opportunities were not available to her. Instead, she entered the practice of surgery at Mary Thompson Hospital in Chicago. Her estate, “the result of economizing with small earnings” is left entirely to the trust to support research training of female physicians. The Northern Trust Company in Chicago is Trustee.

Awards will be between $65,000-90,000 for salary support during the designated year of research in a postgraduate program. $1,000-5,000 will also be provided for travel, equipment, supplies, or computer needs. The exact award amounts and distribution between salary support versus equipment/supply costs will be based upon funds available and prevailing salaries at eligible institutions. These funds cannot be used for fringe benefits or tuition. The Stetler funds may not be used for indirect costs to the university. Eligible applicants will be senior fellows or can be appointed to an instructor position. Renewal for a second year of funding requires reapplication and is evaluated with new applications.

For the full RFA, click here.

Email [email protected] no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, January 8 to obtain a link for online application submission.

Application Deadline: January 15, 2021


Kelsey Bennett