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Bedside Medicine Fellows Program

The Society of Bedside Medicine has partnered with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Johns Hopkins Department of Medicine to create a Bedside Medicine Fellows Program. The goal of the fellowship is to create a community of talented clinician-educators and researchers who recognize the value of the bedside encounter in improving diagnostic accuracy and overall patient care.

The one-year fellowship will provide a $35,000 stipend (plus an additional $5000 for travel) to support a project that promotes diagnostic excellence and the reduction of diagnostic error. Projects can be based in either the outpatient or inpatient setting. Priority project areas include:

  • History taking and Communication
  • Physical examination
  • Clinical reasoning
  • Shared-decision making
  • Point-of-care technology
  • Telemedicine

At least one aspect of the project should address issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice as they apply to the bedside clinical encounter and diagnostic excellence.

Eligible candidates include junior faculty (within 5 years of their residency or fellowship training) or fellows in an ACGME-accredited academic program. Applicants must have an MD, DO, MBBS or equivalent. Candidates should identify a mentor at their local institution but will also receive direct mentorship from the Society of Bedside Medicine.

In addition to executing a specific project, candidates will participate in SBM-sponsored activities designed to foster a community of individuals dedicated to bedside medicine and diagnostic accuracy. Fellows will present their work at the annual meeting of the Society of Bedside Medicine and provide quarterly updates to the Society board.

Two fellowships will be awarded in the program’s inaugural year. Applicants should send a letter of intent (maximum 500 words) briefly outlining their prior experience and interest in bedside medicine and describing their project proposal to [email protected] (subject line “Bedside Fellow”) by September 15, 2021.

Letters of intent will be judged by the applicant’s demonstrated interest and commitment to bedside medicine and the quality of the project. A subset of applicants will be asked to submit a full application due on November 1, 2021. The first class of fellows will be announced in December 2021 with an anticipated start date of January 1, 2022.

For more information about the fellowship and details about the structure of the full proposal, please go to the Society of Bedside Medicine website and click on the tab for Bedside Medicine Fellows Program.


Kelsey Bennett