Congratulations to the below faculty members who were recently promoted.
Professor (pictured)
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
We would also like to welcome our new faculty members who recently joined the department.
- Sherifatu Abu, assistant professor, Hospital Medicine at JHBMC
- Charles Agyemang, adjunct professor, Endocrinology
- Evans Keith Hiatt Brown, assistant professor, Hospital Medicine at JHH
- Manuel De La Rosa, instructor, Hospital Medicine at JHH
- Jennifer Eitingon, instructor, GIM
- Travis Ferguson, assistant, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
- Alvaro Goncalves Mendes Neto, assistant professor, Hospital Medicine at JHH
- Katrina Hauschildt, research associate, Pulmonary
- Cheng-Ying Ho, associate professor, Endocrinology
- Savmitra Kant, assistant professor, Nephrology
- Steven D. Miller, joint appointment, GIM
- Kathleen Pencek, instructor, Hospital Medicine at JHH
- Khalid Puthawala, instructor, Pulmonary
- Amanda McCrary Rosecrans, assistant professor, ID
- Jennifer Schmidt, instructor, Rheumatology
- Michael Silverman, instructor, Cardiology
- Stephanie Weiss, assistant professor, Addiction Medicine
- Jai Hoon Yoon, visiting scientist, ID
- Jun Yu, assistant professor, Geriatrics

Kelsey Bennett