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DOM Caregiving Survey Review

The DOM conducted a caregiving survey in October in response to the 2021 article, “Prevalence of caregiving and high caregiving strain among late-career medical school faculty members: Workforce, policy, and faculty development implications." We hope you will attend the Center on Aging and Health Scientific Series Seminar on Monday, March 6 from 3:30–5 p.m. in the 2024 E. Monument St., Powe Room (1-500Q) or via Zoom ( where we will briefly review the study results and engage in an active conversation. This meeting is open to DOM faculty. As faculty members, your input is highly-valued and will help guide improvements to the caregiving experience, and related policies and resources for our faculty.

DOM Caregiving Survey: Of the 1,053 full-time and part-time faculty members invited, 209 completed the questionnaire (20% response rate). Among the 203 respondents who answered the caregiving question, 76 (37.4%) indicated that they were caregivers. Among those 76 caregivers, 4 (5.3%) reported that their caregiving was “no strain,” whereas  46 (60.5%) said it was associated with “some strain” and 26 (34.2%) said caregiving was associated with “a lot of strain.” Thus, 95% of our DOM faculty caregivers say that their caregiving responsibilities were causing at least some strain. Our Hopkins’ DOM caregiving prevalence of 37.4% is higher than the 19% national rate reported in our recent article of full-time faculty members age 55+ and our 95% caregiving strain rate is also higher than the national 90% rate reported in the same article.


Kelsey Bennett