Congratulations to the below faculty members who were recently promoted.
Professor (pictured)
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
We would also like to welcome our new faculty members who joined the department over the past quarter:
- Nancy Nkansah-Mahaney, assistant in Medicine
- Young Chae, visiting scientist, Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Mahya Faghih, research associate, Gastroenterology
- Min Jae Yang, visiting scientist, Gastroenterology
- Madeleine Gordin, assistant professor, Hospital Medicine at JHH
- Michael Rose, assistant professor, Hospital Medicine at JHH
- Sheila Enoh, instructor, Hospital Medicine at JHH
- Joan Park, instructor, Hospital Medicine at JHH
- Helena Boshoff, visiting scientist, Infectious Diseases
- Andrea Luxenberg, BIDS (Biomedical Informatics and Data Science) Program Instructor
- Marcus Spann, BIDS (Biomedical Informatics and Data Science) Program Instructor
- Zhaoyi Ding, research associate, Rheumatology
- Hannah Ward, assistant in Medicine
- Larry Dishaw, adjunct assistant professor, Endocrinology and Metabolism
- David Hurwitz, assistant professor, Geriatric Medicine
- Zara Manuelyan, assistant professor, Gastroenterology
- Kaelin O'Connell, assistant professor, Hospital Medicine at JHH
- Michael Chilazi, instructor, Hospital Medicine at JHH
- Natasha Palamuttam, BIDS (Biomedical Informatics and Data Science) Program Instructor
- Joseph Gennusa, research associate, General Internal Medicine
- Stacy Goldsholl, research associate, General Internal Medicine
- Angela Argento, associate professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Krisztian Csomos, adjunct associate professor, Endocrinology
- Lindsay Sheets, adjunct assistant professor, Medicine
- Linda Zhang, instructor, Gastroenterology
- Michael Goetsch, instructor, Hospital Medicine at JHH
- Nityasree Srialluri, instructor, Nephrology
- Rachel Wallwork, instructor, Rheumatology

Kelsey Bennett