Congratulations to the below faculty members who were recently promoted.
Professor (pictured)
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
We would also like to welcome our new faculty members who joined the department over the past quarter:
- Farah Abifaraj, assistant professor, Nephrology
- Alhareth Alsagban, instructor, Hospital Medicine JHBMC
- Konstantinos Aronis, assistant professor, Cardiology
- Varun Badami, assistant professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Adam Black, lecturer, GIM
- Jaime Blanck, lecturer, GIM
- Laurence Borand, associate professor, ID
- Kristal Brown, adjunct assistant professor, GIM
- Bilal Chaudhry, instructor, GIM
- Sara Corderman, assistant professor, GIM
- Raj Dangol, assistant in medicine, Cardiology
- Benjamin DeMarco, assistant in medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Linda Durnell, joint appointment, GIM
- Nkechinyerem Eseonu-Ewoh, instructor, GIM
- Alec Faggen, assistant in medicine, GI
- Ricardo Franco, assistant in medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Erin Goerlich, assistant in medicine, Cardiology
- Fatima Halilu, instructor, Hospital Medicine JHBMC
- Chad Hochberg, assistant professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- David Hurwitz, assistant professor, Geriatrics
- Chao-Wei Hwang, assistant professor, Cardiology
- Junichi Ishigami, joint appointment, Nephrology
- David Jang, instructor, GIM
- Sandra Johnson, instructor, Hospital Medicine JHBMC
- Rohan Kalathiya, assistant professor, Cardiology
- Leopoldine Kenmogne, instructor, GIM
- Fareeha Khan, assistant professor, Geriatrics
- Bongyoung Kim, visiting scientist, ID
- Jeeyong Kim, instructor, GIM
- Robert Koski, instructor, GIM
- Matthew Lammi, associate professor (PAR), Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Monik Lammi, assistant professor, GI
- Catherine Lesko, joint appointment, GIM
- Nancy Lin, assistant professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Justin Ling, instructor, GIM
- Christopher Meenan, lecturer, GIM
- Vinal Menon, research associate, GIM
- Elie Miller, instructor, GIM
- Susan Mirabal, assistant professor, GIM
- Chelsea Modlin, instructor, ID
- Oliver Monfredi, assistant professor, Cardiology
- Sheena Moorthy, instructor, GIM
- Santiago Munoz, associate professor (PAR), GI
- Megan Murphy, assistant professor, GI
- Ilana Nelson-Greenberg, instructor, Bayview Internal Medicine
- Uzoamaka Ofodu, instructor, Hospital Medicine JHBMC
- Ramya Palacholla, instructor, GIM
- Jessica Park, instructor, Hospital Medicine JHBMC
- Micaela Paz, instructor, GIM
- Francisco Rivera, instructor, GIM
- Agnieszka Robaszkiewicz, visiting scientist, Endocrinology
- Ali Sajjadi, instructor, GIM
- Paul Scheel III, assistant professor, Cardiology
- Brandon Shiflett, instructor, GIM
- Aaron Shim, instructor, GIM
- Paul Silver, assistant professor, GIM
- Brent Stackhouse, lecturer, GIM
- Camille Stanback, assistant professor, Endocrinology
- Sonia Sugumar, instructor, GIM
- Imad Tabbara, adjunct assistant professor, GIM
- Simita Talwar, instructor, GIM
- Dimitri Tito, assistant professor, Hospital Medicine JHBMC
- Ethan Tumarkin, adjunct assistant professor, Cardiology
- Balakrishna Vemula, instructor, GIM
- Judd Walson, joint appointment, ID
- Zhu Wang, assistant professor, GIM
- Shashi Yalamanchili, instructor, GIM
- Weiwei Zheng, visiting scientist, Hematology

Kelsey Bennett