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Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Program Applications

The Office of Women in Science and Medicine (OWISM) in conjunction with the DOM's Task Force on Women's Academic Careers in Medicine is pleased to announce that Dean Rothman would like to send one of our senior women faculty members to the prestigious ELAM (Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine) program in 2015. Please visit the ELAM Website for details of this outstanding and rigorous program. With the commitment of the Dean's Office, we believe that the individual selected will have the opportunity to gain outstanding leadership experience, which will have a dramatic impact on their ultimate career and contribution to Johns Hopkins SOM.

The application process is rigorous and requires institutional support. If you are interested we encourage you to review the application requirements online early. To further clarify the process, the dean will be the nominator. You will also need two recommenders. If you are selected, the Dean's Office will assign you a first recommender. The second recommender should be someone of your choice, who can speak to your past achievements and your leadership potential. We suggest that this be your division chief or department director. You must also confirm in writing that your division chief or department director will allow you the time needed to participate in this program. The time commitment is significant--about 3 weeks away from JHU, including weekends and an additional 2-3 hours per week of ELAM related activities although these hours occur at irregular intervals.

The commitment is substantial, so please review the required dates to determine if you are able to attend the mandatory on-site sessions before considering applying. In addition, the timeline is short. We are asking those who wish to apply to complete the following short essays (see below) -these are part of the actual application process to ELAM and submit them to the [email protected]. These will need to be submitted to the OWISM by Thursday, December 3 and will be the primary means by which the JHU-SOM applicant is identified. A review group has been selected, and will evaluate the applicants. Two finalists will be submitted to the Dean's Office, and the ultimate decision will be made on Dec. 18. That will leave approximately one month before the applicant needs to submit all materials online to ELAM (online application is due Jan. 15).

Once identified, the Dean's Office will work closely with the applicant to facilitate completion of this application. The nominator letter (from Dean Rothman) and letters of recommendation are due Jan. 29.

Again, we recognize the substantial time required to complete this application, as well as to participate in this course. We also acknowledge the rapid turnaround time. However, we are hopeful that many of you will apply to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. We will host an informational session shorty, so those of you interested in applying will have the ability to raise any specific concerns/questions that you have!

If you have any questions concerning this process, you can attend an ELAM Informational session in the Mary Elizabeth Garrett room on Thursday, November 19, 2015 from 1-2 p.m. or email [email protected]. Below this letter is some very brief information about requirements, but again further details should be found on the ELAM website.

-Barbara Fivush, MD

-Rachel Levine, MD MPH

2016 ­-2017 Tentative Program Schedule

Date Program
Jun 1-Sept 16, 2016 Complete self-assessments, assigned readings and online assignments
Sept 17­-23, 2016 Attend Session I (in Lafayette Hill, Pa.)
Sept 24, 2016-Jan 6, 2017 Work on group and independent projects
Jan 7­-15, 2017 Attend Session II (Denver, Colo.)
Jan 16­-Apr 21, 2017 Work on group and independent projects
Apr 22­-27, 2017 Attend Session III (in Lafayette Hill, Pa.), including the Leaders Forum (Apr 26-27) with deans


Short Essay Questions for applicant for consideration by the School of Medicine

  • Briefly describe the range of responsibilities in your current position, including those activities,
  • operations or functions for which you are directly responsible.
  • € What are your specific 5-year career goals? Be as concrete as possible.
  • € How will participating in this program help you achieve these goals?
  • € What do you view as the single most important issue facing your institution?
  • € If you were Dean, what would you do about this issue?
  • € What do you view as the single most important challenge your institution presents to you in doing your job?

Basic Requirements for Women applicants

Application requirements:

  • Applicants must have held the rank of associate professor in a medical, dental or public health school for at least two years, and have had administrative experience in personnel and budget management.
  • Applicants must be nominated by the dean of their institution, or the chief executive officer of their academic health center. If the nomination comes from the CEO, please provide a secondary nomination from the school of primary academic appointment. We strongly suggest that each applicant discuss her application with her nominator before applying. Each school is limited to two applicants.
  • Applicants must have TWO (2) recommendations. One must come from a direct supervisor, and the other from a senior colleague (preferably from outside her home department). A nominator cannot also be a recommender. If the applicant's direct supervisor is her nominating dean/CEO, then the applicant's recommendations must come from two other individuals, one of whom, preferably, is senior to the applicant.
  • Applicants initiate the process of inviting nominators and recommenders to submit their materials as part of the online application. The system will generate an email invitation that will contain a unique link for nominators and recommenders to access the system. We encourage applicants to enter the system early in order to start an application and to invite nominators and recommenders. Applicants can save and exit the application after the invitation screen and return to complete it at a later time.
  • Note that those who are re-applying to ELAM must add a cover letter to the required CV with an update of accomplishments since the last application.
  • Nominations and recommendations are constructed as short essays to describe the candidate's qualifications and institutional support. Essays may be initiated in the online system as soon as the invitation is received. All applications, including attachments for a current CV and published work, must be submitted online by Jan. 15, 2016, midnight EST. ELAM will send electronic notification when the application is complete.
  • Nominations and recommendations must be received by Jan. 29, 2016, at midnight EST.

A strong candidate application presents evidence for leadership potential. This includes:

  • Description of leadership experiences that have included strategic risk-taking.
  • A track record of formal and informal professional development, including mentoring and program participation outside her specialty field.
  • Rationale for seeking leadership roles and a realistic assessment of likely internal and external leadership opportunities over the five years following the fellowship program.

Kelsey Bennett