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Medicine Matters Home Research Connect with Medical Students for Research Opportunities

Connect with Medical Students for Research Opportunities

As you may know, all of our medical students conduct research with a faculty mentor during their time here at Johns Hopkins. We have designed a new website that allows students to find faculty mentors with related interests.

First-year medical students are enrolled in a course, Scholarly Concentrations, which guides them through the process of research and other scholarship. You can look forward, therefore, to students who are prepared and motivated to take a project to completion. Many may continue to work on their projects, in a more limited capacity, into and beyond their second year of medical school.

Students in the Scholarly Concentrations course typically search for faculty mentors during the late fall and winter of their first year. Students in later years of medical school often opt to do research electives, and so would be searching for potential mentors at any point.

The Office of Medical Student Affairs will be able to provide a stipend to first year students for an eight-week experience.

There are several important things to note about the research opportunities website. First, it is password-protected, so you should not ever be contacted by students in other locations. Second, you are given the option of listing yourself on the website as a willing mentor with or without defining specific student projects. We hope this will allow many more of you to sign up and express your willingness to mentor our students.

So, please click the link below and enter in a brief statement about your research for our students. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students and for the faculty.

  1. The web-site address is: Log in using your JHED ID. Your JHED affiliation must be “Faculty” in order to post a mentorship opportunity on this site.
  2. Faculty Profiles. When you log on, your faculty profile may already be populated. You can update your faculty profile by clicking on ‘Edit’ in the upper right hand corner of the box, or clicking on ‘Update Profile’ on the left-hand menu. Please add a brief description of your research interests and/or projects.
  3. Posting Student Opportunities. Click on ‘Add Position’ on the left-hand menu. This gives you the opportunity to provide additional details for students to view if you have ideas about specific projects a student might work on with you.  The default expiration date for the position will be one year from when you post it, although you will note that you can select a different time frame. You can add as many positions as you like.
  4. Searching Positions. Students and faculty can search positions by clicking on ‘Search Positions’ on the left-hand side. If you try it, you will see that you (and students) can search by keyword and/or department, on either the faculty profiles or the specific student positions.  If you search on yourself, you should find your positions.
  5. Modifying your Faculty Profile or Student Positions. At any time in the future, you can modify either your faculty profile or a specific student opportunity by logging into the website.  If you want to view all your positions, you can click on ‘my positions’ on the left-hand side.  This will give you the opportunity to close positions, or to edit their details.

All student applications for research support will require the faculty preceptor to complete and sign a Preceptor Information form. The student will be responsible for providing this form to you. If you have any questions or need help with this process, please call (410-955-3416) or email [email protected].


Kelsey Bennett