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Article of the Week

Ambulatory Intensive Care for Medically Complex Patients at a Health Care Clinic for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness: The SUMMIT Randomized Clinical Trial

ARTICLE: Ambulatory Intensive Care for Medically Complex Patients at a Health Care Clinic for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness: The SUMMIT Randomized Clinical Trial AUTHORS: Brian Chan, Samuel… Read More »Ambulatory Intensive Care for Medically Complex Patients at a Health Care Clinic for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness: The SUMMIT Randomized Clinical Trial

Efficacy and safety of avacopan in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis receiving rituximab in a randomised trial

ARTICLE: Efficacy and safety of avacopan in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis receiving rituximab in a randomised trial AUTHORS: Duvuru Geetha, Anisha Dua, Huibin Yue, Jason Springer, Carlo Salvarani, David Jayne, Peter… Read More »Efficacy and safety of avacopan in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis receiving rituximab in a randomised trial

Clinical predictors of early and late endoscopic recurrence following ileocolonic resection in Crohn’s disease

ARTICLE: Clinical predictors of early and late endoscopic recurrence following ileocolonic resection in Crohn's disease AUTHORS: Cristian-Hernandez Rocha, Margaret Walshe, Sondra Birch, Ksenija Sabic, Ujunwa Korie, Colleen Chasteau, Vessela M Miladinova, William… Read More »Clinical predictors of early and late endoscopic recurrence following ileocolonic resection in Crohn’s disease

Evidence for tuberculosis in individuals with Xpert Ultra “trace” sputum during screening of high-burden communities

ARTICLE: Evidence for tuberculosis in individuals with Xpert Ultra "trace" sputum during screening of high-burden communities AUTHORS: Joowhan Sung, Mariam Nantale, Annet Nalutaaya, Patrick Biché, James Mukiibi, Caleb E Kamoga, Joab… Read More »Evidence for tuberculosis in individuals with Xpert Ultra “trace” sputum during screening of high-burden communities

The impact of preventive treatment for multidrug- and rifampin-resistant tuberculosis exceeds trial-based estimates

ARTICLE: The impact of preventive treatment for multidrug- and rifampin-resistant tuberculosis exceeds trial-based estimates AUTHORS: Parastu Kasaie, Jeff Pennington, Amita Gupta, David W Dowdy, Emily A Kendall JOURNAL:… Read More »The impact of preventive treatment for multidrug- and rifampin-resistant tuberculosis exceeds trial-based estimates

Voices, Images, And Experiences Of Community Health Workers: Advancing Antiracist Policy And Practice

ARTICLE: Voices, Images, And Experiences Of Community Health Workers: Advancing Antiracist Policy And Practice AUTHORS: Chidinma Ibe, Anika Hines, Nico Dominguez Carrero, Shannon Fuller, Alison Trainor, Tiffany Scott, Debra Hickman, Lisa A… Read More »Voices, Images, And Experiences Of Community Health Workers: Advancing Antiracist Policy And Practice

1-Year Incidence of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease Among Household Contacts of Rifampin- and Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis

ARTICLE: 1-Year Incidence of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease Among Household Contacts of Rifampin- and Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis AUTHORS: Sonya Krishnan, Xingye Wu, Soyeon Kim, Katie McIntire, Linda Naini, Michael D Hughes, Rodney… Read More »1-Year Incidence of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease Among Household Contacts of Rifampin- and Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis