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Article of the Week

Pulmonary Effective Arterial Elastance as a Measure of Right Ventricular Afterload and Its Prognostic Value in Pulmonary Hypertension Due to Left Heart Disease

ARTICLE: Pulmonary Effective Arterial Elastance as a Measure of Right Ventricular Afterload and Its Prognostic Value in Pulmonary Hypertension Due to Left Heart Disease AUTHORS: Emmanouil Tampakakis, Sanjiv J. Shah, Barry A. Borlaug, Peter J. Leary, Harnish H. Patel, Wayne L. Miller, Benjamin W. Kelemen, Brian A. Houston, Todd M. Kolb, Rachel Damico, Stephen… Read More »Pulmonary Effective Arterial Elastance as a Measure of Right Ventricular Afterload and Its Prognostic Value in Pulmonary Hypertension Due to Left Heart Disease

Cumulative blood pressure from early adulthood to middle age is associate with left atrial remodelling and subclinical dysfunction assessed by three-dimensional echocardiography: a prospective post hoc analysis from the coronary artery risk development in young adults study

ARTICLE: Cumulative blood pressure from early adulthood to middle age is associated with left atrial remodelling and subclinical dysfunction assessed by three-dimensional echocardiography: a prospective post hoc analysis from the coronary artery risk development in young adults study AUTHORS: Henrique D Vasconcellos, Henrique T Moreira, Luisa Ciuffo, Chike C… Read More »Cumulative blood pressure from early adulthood to middle age is associate with left atrial remodelling and subclinical dysfunction assessed by three-dimensional echocardiography: a prospective post hoc analysis from the coronary artery risk development in young adults study

Association of a Bundled Hospital-at-Home and 30-Day Postacute Transitional Care Program With Clinical Outcomes and Patient Experiences

ARTICLE: Association of a Bundled Hospital-at-Home and 30-Day Postacute Transitional Care Program With Clinical Outcomes and Patient Experiences AUTHORS: Alex D. Federman, Tacara Soones, Linda… Read More »Association of a Bundled Hospital-at-Home and 30-Day Postacute Transitional Care Program With Clinical Outcomes and Patient Experiences

Comparison of Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Assessment by Martin/Hopkins Estimation, Friedewald Estimation, and Preparative Ultracentrifugation

ARTICLE: Comparison of Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Assessment by Martin/Hopkins Estimation, Friedewald Estimation, and Preparative Ultracentrifugation Insights From the FOURIER Trial AUTHORS: Seth S. Martin, Robert P. Giugliano, Sabina A. Murphy, Scott… Read More »Comparison of Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Assessment by Martin/Hopkins Estimation, Friedewald Estimation, and Preparative Ultracentrifugation

Rates of infection after colonoscopy and osophagogastroduodenoscopy in ambulatory surgery centres in the USA

ARTICLE: Rates of infection after colonoscopy and osophagogastroduodenoscopy in ambulatory surgery centres in the USA AUTHORS: Peiqi Wang, Tim Xu, Saowanee Ngamruengphong, Martin Makary, Anthony Kalloo, Susan Hutfless JOURNAL: Gut. 2018… Read More »Rates of infection after colonoscopy and osophagogastroduodenoscopy in ambulatory surgery centres in the USA

Pharmacokinetics of rifapentine and rifampin in a rabbit model of tuberculosis and correlation with clinical trial data

ARTICLE: Pharmacokinetics of rifapentine and rifampin in a rabbit model of tuberculosis and correlation with clinical trial data AUTHORS: Dalin Rifat, Brendan Prideaux, Radojka M. Savic, Michael E. Urbanowski, Teresa L.… Read More »Pharmacokinetics of rifapentine and rifampin in a rabbit model of tuberculosis and correlation with clinical trial data

Impact of Bystander Automated External Defibrillator Use on Survival and Functional Outcomes in Shockable Observed Public Cardiac Arrests

ARTICLE: Impact of Bystander Automated External Defibrillator Use on Survival and Functional Outcomes in Shockable Observed Public Cardiac Arrests AUTHORS: Ross A. Pollack, Siobhan P. Brown, Thomas… Read More »Impact of Bystander Automated External Defibrillator Use on Survival and Functional Outcomes in Shockable Observed Public Cardiac Arrests