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Article of the Week

Desmin Phosphorylation Triggers Preamyloid Oligomers Formation and Myocyte Dysfunction in Acquired Heart Failure

ARTICLE: Desmin Phosphorylation Triggers Preamyloid Oligomers Formation and Myocyte Dysfunction in Acquired Heart Failure AUTHORS: Peter P. Rainer, Peihong Dong, Matteo Sorge, Justyna Fert-Bober, Ronald J. Holewinski, Yuchuan Wang, Catherine A.… Read More »Desmin Phosphorylation Triggers Preamyloid Oligomers Formation and Myocyte Dysfunction in Acquired Heart Failure

Itaconate is an anti-inflammatory metabolite that activates Nrf2 via alkylation of KEAP1

ARTICLE: Itaconate is an anti-inflammatory metabolite that activates Nrf2 via alkylation of KEAP1 AUTHORS: Evanna L. Mills, Dylan G. Ryan, Hiran A. Prag, Dina Dikovskaya, Deepthi Menon, Zbigniew Zaslona, Mark P. Jedrychowski, Ana S. H. Costa, Maureen Higgins, Emily Hams, John Szpyt, Marah C. Runtsch, Martin S. King, Joanna… Read More »Itaconate is an anti-inflammatory metabolite that activates Nrf2 via alkylation of KEAP1

Affordability and availability of off-patent drugs in the United States—the case for importing from abroad: observational study

ARTICLE: Affordability and availability of off-patent drugs in the United States—the case for importing from abroad: observational study AUTHORS: Ravi Gupta, Thomas J Bollyky, Matthew… Read More »Affordability and availability of off-patent drugs in the United States—the case for importing from abroad: observational study

Germline mutations in the alternative pathway of complement predispose to HELLP syndrome

ARTICLE: Germline mutations in the alternative pathway of complement predispose to HELLP syndrome  AUTHORS: Arthur J. Vaught, Evan M. Braunstein, Jagar Jasem, Xuan Yuan, Igor Makhlin, Solange Eloundou, Andrea C. Baines, Samuel A. Merrill, Shruti Chaturvedi, Karin Blakemore, C. John Sperati and Robert… Read More »Germline mutations in the alternative pathway of complement predispose to HELLP syndrome

Detection and localization of surgically resectable cancers with a multi-analyte blood test

ARTICLE: Detection and localization of surgically resectable cancers with a multi-analyte blood test AUTHORS: Joshua D. Cohen, Lu Li, Yuxuan Wang, Christopher Thoburn, Bahman Afsari, Ludmila Danilova, Christopher Douville, Ammar A. Javed, Fay… Read More »Detection and localization of surgically resectable cancers with a multi-analyte blood test

Improvement in Right Ventricular Strain with Ambrisentan and Tadalafil Upfront Therapy in Scleroderma-associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

ARTICLE: Improvement in Right Ventricular Strain with Ambrisentan and Tadalafil Upfront Therapy in Scleroderma-associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension AUTHORS: Valentina Mercurio, Monica Mukherjee, Ryan J. Tedford, Roham T. Zamanian, Rubina M. Khair, Takahiro Sato, Omar A. Minai, Fernando Torres, Reda E. Girgis, Kelly Chin, Rachel Damico, Todd M.… Read More »Improvement in Right Ventricular Strain with Ambrisentan and Tadalafil Upfront Therapy in Scleroderma-associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Right Ventricular Myofilament Functional Differences in Humans with Systemic Sclerosis-associated versus Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

ARTICLE: Right Ventricular Myofilament Functional Differences in Humans with Systemic Sclerosis-associated versus Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension AUTHORS: Steven Hsu, Kristen M. Kokkonen-Simon, Jonathan A. Kirk, Todd M. Kolb, Rachel… Read More »Right Ventricular Myofilament Functional Differences in Humans with Systemic Sclerosis-associated versus Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension