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Article of the Week

Juntos en la pandemia de COVID-19 (together in the COVID-19 pandemic): health-care professionals and the Latinx community

ARTICLE: Juntos en la pandemia de COVID-19 (together in the COVID-19 pandemic): health-care professionals and the Latinx community AUTHORS: Sandra E Zaeh, Kathleen R Page, Zackary D… Read More »Juntos en la pandemia de COVID-19 (together in the COVID-19 pandemic): health-care professionals and the Latinx community

Converging genetic and epigenetic drivers of paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia identified by an information-theoretic analysis

ARTICLE: Converging genetic and epigenetic drivers of paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia identified by an information-theoretic analysis AUTHORS: Michael A. Koldobskiy, Garrett Jenkinson, Jordi Abante, Varenka A. Rodriguez DiBlasi, Weiqiang… Read More »Converging genetic and epigenetic drivers of paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia identified by an information-theoretic analysis

MCU Overexpression Rescues Inotropy and Reverses Heart Failure by Reducing SR Ca2+ Leak

ARTICLE: MCU Overexpression Rescues Inotropy and Reverses Heart Failure by Reducing SR Ca2+ Leak AUTHORS: Ting Liu, Ni Yang, Agnieszka Sidor, Brian O’Rourke JOURNAL: Circ Res. 2021 Apr 16;128(8):1191-1204. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.120.318562. Epub… Read More »MCU Overexpression Rescues Inotropy and Reverses Heart Failure by Reducing SR Ca2+ Leak

The Effects of Four Doses of Vitamin D Supplements on Falls in Older Adults : A Response-Adaptive, Randomized Clinical Trial

AUTHORS: Lawrence J Appel, Erin D Michos, Christine M Mitchell, Amanda L Blackford, Alice L Sternberg, Edgar R Miller 3rd, Stephen P Juraschek, Jennifer A Schrack, Sarah L Szanton, Jeanne Charleston, Melissa Minotti, Sheriza N Baksh, Robert… Read More »The Effects of Four Doses of Vitamin D Supplements on Falls in Older Adults : A Response-Adaptive, Randomized Clinical Trial